For Manufacturers

Redefining Returns and Recycling

Our Service

Recyclotronix works with electronic manufacturers to manage reverse logistics and recover value from returned equipment. We resell whole units, manage spare parts recovery, and responsibly recycle obsolete equipment. We also work with manufacturers in managing their extended producer responsibility requirements.

The range of after-market services needed by electronics manufacturers can vary broadly from one manufacturer to another. We listen to your unique requirements, make suggestions when appropriate, and agree on program parameters. The program is documented and final processes are published and available across all Recyclotronix facilities. 


We work with manufacturers to organize take-back logistics and utilize the value of returned devices.


We manage large quantities of recovered metal and mobilize our network of scrap processing companies. This enables us to achieve the best value for our customers' material.


Recyclotronix bietet Elektronik-Recycling an und ist bekannt für seine fortschrittliche Technologie, nachhaltigen Betrieb und zertifizierten Anlagen.
